Forensic Vehicle Examiners

Forensic vehicle examiners can determine the fault in insurance claims, ascertaining details of accidents for police investigations and even uncovering evidence of organised criminal activity.

The very nature of a car accident will often leave those involved looking for answers. Determining whether there was a fault with any of the vehicles involved can help the drivers involved to understand more about what happened, and ensure that any issues can be identified and addressed.

There are a number of checks which can determine significant details about a collision, all of which can be combined to build up a full picture of the circumstances that led to the accident.

The accident vehicles and their component parts can be examined for any defects or failures. This can assist in discovering why a particular accident occurred. Any type and size of the vehicle can be examined including LGV’s, cars, motorcycles, heavy plant machinery and pedal cycles.

Forensic Tyre Examinations

Our experts are trained to an advanced level in all aspects concerning the construction of tyres & the analysis of tyre failures and tyre/wheel damage.

Surveying & Scale Plans

Professional & accurate computer generated scale plans of accident scenes and crime scenes.

Scale representations of vehicles can be shown in relation to physical and witness evidence in order to show the position of vehicles at impact and ultimately a visual reconstruction of the accident.

Photographs & Video

Standard and digital technology is utilised to illustrate road markings, geometry, topography, signing, lines of sight, limits of visibility, positions of witnesses, pre & post impact movement of vehicles/pedestrians, vehicle damage & defects.

Forensic light bulb Examinations

We use high-level microscopy in assessing whether automotive light bulbs were illuminated at the time of impact.

Forensic Tachograph analysis

Driver’s hours & regulations, analysis & interpretation of digital tachograph data.

Get in touch

If you need help to have your vehicle forensically examined or need further assistance in your forensic case, get in touch with Elliott Forensics. Our experienced team can help.